
Snowee Café

If you haven't been introduced to the phenomenon known as Engrish, you are missing out on an endless source of laughter. For some reason, it is super-cool in Japan to use English on any and everything, yet no one seems to check their English to see if it makes any sense. I'll post pictures of the Engrish I come across from time to time, starting with this fine specimen here to the left.

Welcome to Snowee Café. What you see here are parts of a gigantic sign on the wall of this restaurant, on the sixth floor of MayOne, inside Hamamatsu station. It is presented as if it were a menu, but try clicking on each picture and see if you can make any sense out of this at all. Classic!

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...






匿名 さんのコメント...

It reads broken Engrish. Laughter is in the room of the computers. Many humans looking wondering why it does smiling dance on chair. Funny funny items tickle the blogger. Engrish makes giggles come from abdomin of whitey. Bye bye time to get syntax straight.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hi Bryan-sama

I like this section. If I'm at the scene, my appetite will certainly increase... I think I know what they mean for some sentences.. (",)
