
A walk around my neighborhood.

HLO. So yesterday after getting home early, I took a little walk around my neighborhood and took these photos... This first wonderful shop is half a block from my place.

Shabby Chic. For the not-so-stylish woman.

Is "poot" a Hebrew word? Is that kosher?

No idea...

Hey Buddy, I'll take a Caffé Americano with cream, and a knuckle sandwich. For here.

Well, IS it? You tell me!
(To be fair, the Japanese part says "sports cafe," so it's not totally random.)

This publicity campaign was thought up by the previous CIR here, and accepted by the folks at city hall just before the CIR remembered that this gesture usually means "Loser" back home in the states.

Drawing upon my vast experience of dealing with construction tarps, I deem this to be one of the niftier construction tarps ever.

If my blog gets a little boring, remind me to go play a little pachinko so I can get more exciting.
Mommyyy... I gotta go weeee-weeeeeee...
Ok, hon.. just be back by 2AM.

Cocktailと言う単語はフランス語から来たので、cockともtailとも関係がないね。Tail of Cockとは昔の言葉で訳したら鶏の尻尾の意味だけど、現在の言葉では「チンチンの尻尾」の意味。それっていったい何?

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Some good stuff there man. I guess the world is just funnier if you're multi-lingual. I wish I knew what a lot of the japanese characters I see really mean, from tattoos to random stuff folks have up on a wall. I wonder if any of these folks ever stop to wonder what they are really expressing to someone who actually speaks the language they are bastardizing.